
Listening station. It's about time

I built a couple new items for my records as they are outgrowing my main units. I copied the basic style from the expedite thing from ikea cept it's plywood and not particle board and it only cost $30 plus a few hours of my time.

It holds all of the box sets and gatefolds. I feel that this style, the library style, is better for gatefolds than my regular store style. Standing them upright with very little pressure, as opposed to them all leaning on each other, should keep any creases from occurring on the jacket. Or just crushing the wider spine that gatefolds have. It also holds 10" records and a couple cd cases. So there's room to grow with the removal of the cds.
After I got this shelf in place it became obvious that this was our new listening station. So next we needed a new stand for the stereo. This was made with the leftover plywood and also holds the DVD storage box.

Add a nice comfy chair and we now have a great place to sit and listen to some vinyl.


records by mail

I got a few good mail order records the last few months. Some great re-issues of albums i never got around to buying the first time out. Or i never found used, which is what i usually have preferred to do over the years. I usually pass up new records for used records when i in stores. Figure i will eventually find it used or it will get a special repress.
The repress of The Refused 'the shape of punk to come' was a solid release and the inclusion of the DVD was a great bonus. Ordered this from epitaph first press of 500 on blue.
Integrity 'the blackest curse' first press of 700 on white. Theres no lyric sheet included with the vinyl which I always find depressing. I hear the cd has lyrics but I cant even remember the last cd i bought it was probobly from a touring band that had no vinyl. Huh, i will hafta go through my cds and figure out what was the last one i purchased.
Converge 'Jane Doe' double Lp with great booklet first press of 2000 on white. I evidently ordered way late and got the most common color.

Bane 'holding this moment' red white split of 250. I like collection releases, its nice to have these songs on one 12" instead of having to play multiple 7"s. I am not a fan of having to order from overseas. The shipping prices make most records, to me anyway, not worth the price and the possibility of shipping mishaps is very high.
I am however a big fan of battle of mice and Made out of babies so i was very excited for the Julie Christmas solo album. no matter what is going on musically her vocals make it that much more powerful and unique. Not to take away from any of the musicianship of any of these songs cause I certainly cant write or play. But its her vocals that complete the songs.
the re-issue of Baroness's 'first and second' is another great collection record that puts there first two releases on one nice piece of vinyl. Olive green vinyl of 500


Been a long time

Originally uploaded by startxgxbxtoday
So wow its been almost a year since i even looked at this thing. Alot has happened and many records have been bought. More importantly we bought a house a couple months back so that's taken up most of my attention. Now with winter approaching maybe i will have more time for this thing here. So i have gotten a bunch of new records in the last few months and I have re-organized my collection from the standard alphabetical into some general sections like hardcore, early LA, anarcho, various labels, metal, hip hop, dance-electronic, 80s metal,and so on. Then there are just those random artists in the general section. So far its coming along well with constant changes. Its been really good to re-familiarize with some titles that have been looked over while flipping through the monotony of the alphabet. I am still figuring all this out as this is my first post using flickr.com so will see how it goes, hopefully more to come