I started doin' this as a way to catalog my records and maybe be in touch with others. As I got a bunch of posts and started lookin' back I became rather bored. I started using
recordnerd.com as a way to list records but I wanted pictures. I have recently found
limitedpressing.com and that seems to be a decent site. Still looking around cause I not finding many people on there yet, maybe I just need to look harder. So anyway, I keep gettin' all these new records especially recently that I am stoked on and I wanted to share them, so I figure this is the way to do it. I plan to focus on particular records that I am really into right now and recent additions to my collection.

This being a great time to start as last week it was better than christmas. Oh, and don't be jealous of the Hulk Hogan and the wrestling boot band cassette. It rocks.

The layout is amazing and the music is crushing. If you don't already know this then I surprised your still reading.

Thanks to chase for the new 7". Much appreciated.
To everyone with The Mistake and
hellfishfamily silk screened, hand numbered covers, "can I get a Hell ya!"

I do feel fucking special, thank you